In this interview artist Shelley Sacks discusses her work Exchange Values on the Table with Owen Griffiths and Alessandra Saviotti.
The conversation was recorded as part of Griffiths and Saviotti's artwork 'Tablecloth as Toolkit - Manchester version' which was included in 'Economics the Blockbuster: It's not Business as Usual' at the Whitworth (30/06 - 22/10, 2023).

Exchange Values on the Table (1996 - ongoing) is a social sculpture developed by artist Shelley Sacks in collaboration with banana producers in the Caribbean Windward Islands. A ground-breaking work of social practice, Exchange Values on the Table is a complex lifelong project which has affected social and political relationships. Over the years, it has influenced how work, fair trade, monoculture farming, and racial capitalism are discussed and understood. In doing so, it has created public space to explore and experience how art can inspire positive social change.

You can read more about 'Exchange Values (on the table)' on

More info about 'Economics the Blockbuster: It's Not Business as Usual' is available here:…ckbuster/