In this conversation, Dr. Dani Admiss responds to some questions posed by DPE toolkits editor Alessandra Saviotti. Admiss was invited to respond via a written contribution to 'From Decentralising Political Economies to Economics the Blockbuster', a text published on DPE, illustrating a series of questions the platform intends to explore over the years ahead.
Admiss focused on a specific question that emerged from the text such as: 'How would we begin to develop more pluralistic ways of seeing, using and participating in this complex (and often hidden) social economy?', and she used her recent project Sunlight Doesn't Need A Pipeline to formulate a possible answer to it.

In this conversation, Saviotti and Admiss unpacked some aspects which emerged from both texts.

Dr. Dani Admiss text is available in the library, please follow this link.