May 12, 2023

Dr. Dani Admiss responds to DPE

In this conversation, Dr. Dani Admiss responds to some questions posed by DPE toolkits editor Alessandra Saviotti. Admiss was invited to respond via a written contribution to 'From Decentralising Political Economies to Economics the Blockbuster', a text published on DPE, illustrating a series of questions the platform intends to explore over the years ahead.
Admiss focused on a specific question that emerged from the text such as: 'How would we begin to develop more pluralistic ways of seeing, using and participating in this complex (and often hidden) social economy?', and she used her recent project Sunlight Doesn't Need A Pipeline to formulate a possible answer to it.

In this conversation, Saviotti and Admiss unpacked some aspects which emerged from both texts.

Dr. Dani Admiss text is available in the library, please follow this link.

May 5, 2021

DPE and Ty Pawb

May 5, 2021

Dig Where You Stand

Alessandra Saviotti talks with Owen Griffiths, an artist, workshop leader, and facilitator based in Swansea, Wales.

During this conversation, they discussed how embodied practices transformed in the context of the pandemic and beyond. With this transformation in mind, Owen speaks about how some words connected to his practice such as collaboration or urgency for example, have been repurposed, misused, or simply used in different ways according to the current situation.

October 26, 2020

DPE and Institutional Change: An interview with Alistair Hudson by John Byrne

In the fourth part of an initial cluster of informal discussions between the instigators of ‘Decentralising Political Economies’, Alistair Hudson talks about the challenges facing our existing ideas about Art Institutions, Art and the historical legacy of use as we move toward a potentially ‘post-exhibitionary’ and operational landscape of post-Covid exchange.

Is it possible for useful art to actively inform and present alternative economic models of social and political change? And, if so, how does this affect our current understanding of art as an ‘experience’ to be had within the physical and ideological framework of the museum and gallery.

October 7, 2020

DPE and Degrowth

Introducing Decentralising Political Economies at the Economy and Livelihoods after Covid-19 online symposium of the International Degrowth Network and the International Society for Ecological Economics, 6 September 2020.

You can read more info about the symposium at the following link:

Speakers were: 
Poppy Bowers
(The Whitworth, The University of Manchester)
John Byrne
(Liverpool John Moores University, School of Art and Design / City Lab)
Owen Griffiths
(Owen Griffiths Studio)
Alessandra Saviotti
(Liverpool John Moores University / Asociación de Arte Útil)

October 7, 2020

DPE and Making Research Public: An interview with Poppy Bowers by Alessandra Saviotti

In the second part of an initial cluster of informal discussions between the instigators of ‘Decentralising Political Economies’, Poppy Bowers talks about how DPE will be used as an open platform to make visible the research process both on a curatorial and artistic level.

August 24, 2020

DPE Toolkits explained: An interview with Alessandra Saviotti by John Byrne

As part of an initial cluster of informal discussions between the instigators of ‘Decentralszing Political Economies’, Alessandra Saviotti talks about the DPE’s Toolkit section, emphasising on usership within the education context.

Is it possible for art to infiltrate the formal education environment in the form of a radical teaching approach that seeks to give a new shape to the existing configuration of the system within the system itself?