May 12, 2023

Dr. Dani Admiss responds to DPE

In this conversation, Dr. Dani Admiss responds to some questions posed by DPE toolkits editor Alessandra Saviotti. Admiss was invited to respond via a written contribution to 'From Decentralising Political Economies to Economics the Blockbuster', a text published on DPE, illustrating a series of questions the platform intends to explore over the years ahead.
Admiss focused on a specific question that emerged from the text such as: 'How would we begin to develop more pluralistic ways of seeing, using and participating in this complex (and often hidden) social economy?', and she used her recent project Sunlight Doesn't Need A Pipeline to formulate a possible answer to it.

In this conversation, Saviotti and Admiss unpacked some aspects which emerged from both texts.

Dr. Dani Admiss text is available in the library, please follow this link.

November 18, 2021

DPE: Roaming Symposium – Second Week Recap

In this video, co-editors of Alessandra Saviotti and John Byrne analyse some key concepts and questions that emerged after the first week of workshops and panel discussions as part of DPE: Roaming Symposium.

Even though the topic of being in the midst of a pandemic has been always in the background, it was the first time that it was discussed over both sessions. It emerged the idea of the pandemic as a portal to perhaps reconsider our won locality. It also emerged how seriously it should be taken the 'space of encounter', being either virtual or in real life as a possible way to generate new forms of collaborations or support structures.

October 29, 2021

DPE: Roaming Symposium – First Week Recap

Co-editors of Alessandra Saviotti and John Byrne analyse some key concepts and questions that emerged after the first week of workshops and panel discussions as part of DPE: Roaming Symposium.
Words such Dreams, Post-scarcity, Immediate Intimacy, Tequio, Power of Assembly and Power of Storytelling are some of the concepts emerged as a pattern across the different sessions.

October 11, 2021

DPE: Roaming Symposium | An introduction

In this video, co-editors of Alessandra Saviotti and John Byrne explain the trajectories of the roaming symposium, the first public event organised as part of the platform in October and November 2021.

Decentralising Political Economies: Roaming Symposium is a research event with art professionals (artists, curators, and directors of cultural organisations), academics, researchers, constituencies and practitioners who apply art as a tool to be used as a resource for social, economic and political change.